Tither’s Blessing

Hi BCC, I trust that you are well and enjoying the journey God is taking us. Financial freedom is one of the blessings for the Believer. As God continues to unfold this truth to us and we continue to do our part, I want to speak the blessing of God into your life. As...

Thanksgiving as Thanks Living

I trust that you’re having a blessed week so far. Thanksgiving week is here already and I just want to share a brief message. I will draw your attention to the scriptures where Jesus heals ten men with leprosy. 11 Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the...

Integrity: Building Character

Having personal integrity can seem tough to do in today’s culture. News headlines are filled with stories about noteworthy people who have failed to maintain personal integrity. We see people in the public eye saying one thing but doing something else. But our...

Keys To Unlock Financial Freedom

In this new season, God is taking us on a journey. A lot of people might have questions about their finances. Most people you meet have too much month left at the end of their paycheck. Everyone wants to unlock the door to financial freedom but as with any lock, using...