A church where ordinary people follow Jesus to live extraordinary stories
Shawnee, Kansas
Sunday at 9 & 11 AM
Seattle, Washington
Sunday at 11 AM
At All Nations Breakthrough Church our heart’s desire is to help you navigate your own faith journey in community, so we’ve made it simple to get connected.

Access the 12 Bible Scriptures to Pray Over Your Children and Start Winning Against The Culture
If you are a parent in our culture today, you know there are forces trying to destroy your children. That is why we are providing this free ebook with 12 Biblical scriptures to pray over your children for every situation.
Each of the 12 scriptures addresses a key area of a child's development so that you can see them become healthy and whole adults.
Resources From Our Blog
Our blog provides resources to help you win in key areas of life. It reflects our heart for our community.
Advance Boldly into 2025: Practical Steps for Spiritual, Mental, Financial, Relational, and Physical Growth
Our Advance Boldly campaign isn’t just another New Year’s resolution; it’s an invitation to step into the fullness God has for you.
Finding Peace: How All Nations Breakthrough Church Addresses Stress and Mental Health Challenges
Recent studies show that 77% of people regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress, and nearly half of all adults say their stress has increased over the past year.
Finding Community: How All Nations Breakthrough Church Helps Families Build Lasting Connections
That’s exactly why we started All Nations Breakthrough Church, a vibrant African Church with a thriving Kenyan community in Kansas City and Seattle.
The Power of a Parent’s Prayer: 12 Scriptures to Pray Over Your Child
Praying scripture over your child is like planting seeds of faith, hope, and love in their lives.
Building a Christ-Centered Marriage: Keys to a stronger, healthier relationship
Marriage is one of God’s most beautiful gifts. It reflects His love for the church and offers a daily opportunity to grow closer to Him and to each other. But let’s be real—building a strong, Christ-centered marriage isn’t always easy in today’s world.
Preparing for Marriage: 6 Key Insights You Need to Know
Marriage is a beautiful and life-changing commitment, but it also requires intentional preparation to ensure a strong foundation.
Discover Us
At All Nations Breakthrough Church our heart’s desire is to help you navigate your own faith journey in community, so we’ve made it simple to get connected.
Find a Group
We believe life is better together. Find a group that is right for you and sign up.
Join a Team
The All Nations Serve Team is a place for you to make a difference in the lives of others by being part of something greater than yourself. Come be a part of the team!
Explore ANBC
Join us for In-person
Shawnee Kansas
Seattle, Washington
Wednesday Night Bible Study
Engage with scripture like never before. Our weekly sessions bring the Bible to life, offering insights and understanding that resonate deeply.
8PM CST in KC / 6PM Pacific in Seattle
Test Drive A Service
We know trying a new church can be unnerving, so we’ve made it easy. Here’s a recent service you can watch to know what to expect.

Whoever you are, you are welcome here. Our intention is to create a safe place where you can experience an authentic, real connection with God and a community of ordinary people.