The Power of Faith

The Power of Faith

What is faith? What does it mean to you? For some, it is a means of coping, for many it is a belief, for others, it is a lifestyle. Faith requires believing in something or someone. It is this undeniable belief that requires no evidence. For Christians, our faith is...
The Ascension of Jesus Christ

The Ascension of Jesus Christ

This past Sunday, we celebrated Easter in commemoration of Jesus’ resurrection. This happened three days after he died on the cross. But, what happened next? And after He had said these things, He was lifted up while they were watching, and a cloud took Him up, out of...
Spring cleaning your soul

Spring cleaning your soul

Spring is here and a lot of us are going through our closets, cabinets, and cupboards to start this season off with a clean house. For most of us, this is an annual event where we decide what to keep, donate or throw out. Like the clothes, papers, toys, and...
3 words that changed my family

3 words that changed my family

Growing up I never saw my parents show affection. In fact, I think I saw them kiss once and was shocked by it. More so, as a family, we never said “I love you” or “I care about you”. I never thought about those things until I heard other families saying it, openly...
 Change is Inevitable

 Change is Inevitable

We are all learning that the world may never go back to what it was. Our lives may not go back to what they were. Some of us may never return to the offices we once worked at or even to the same job. Some may have to continue living in multi-generational households...