
All Nations Breakthrough Church

Dealing with Loneliness During the Pandemic

Dealing with Loneliness During the Pandemic

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our...

The Power of A Weeping Husband

Although you might wonder for a moment when you see tears flowing down a woman’s face, most of us take it as normal. Yes, it may even make us a little uncomfortable because we know something is wrong, but a weeping woman seems pretty ordinary. It is typical for the...

Receiving God’s Blessings

God blesses us everyday. From the time we wake up to the time we go to sleep. Throughout the day his presence is with us. However, we often find ourselves worrying and wondering why our desires don’t always happen when we expect them to or at all? Why we have yet to...

The Power of Your Testimony

I recently heard a testimony that touched me in many ways. I had just lost a friend in his early 30s and was struggling to understand how someone could be called home at such a young age. Having never lost someone so close, I realized that I was shocked by this loss...

5 Ways to Renew Your Faith

We all have to deal with adversity. It is inevitable that we will have failures, that we will struggle with the loss of a close family member or friend, or that our faith will be tested. Remember what brings you peace. Sometimes renewing our faith is like flexing a...

Giving Is Living

Most of us have a favorite charity or cause that we are passionate about. Some of us may spend weekends volunteering for a certain organization or helping those who are elderly, homeless, or are teenagers. This desire to help may come from a previous experience with a...

Saving for A Rainy Day

We were having Easter brunch after church and a friend revealed that she was struggling to pay all of her bills. She recently went to the mechanic and was told her car needed hundreds of dollars in repairs and had not planned to spend that kind of money on fixing it....

Leave An Inheritance?

Growing up my parents were adamant about making sure we understood the importance of working hard. It was a legacy they left us with, that handwork and dedication was the only way to make sure you succeeded. As my siblings and I got older our parents were adamant...

Fellowship Groups: The New Family

I recently joined a Christian women’s group. Most of us are young adults and we meet once a week for dinner to talk about our problems, accomplishments, and to pray for each other. It started out as more of a formal gathering until the organizer realized that we all...

Let Your Kids Fall

Let Your Kids Fall

I was recently asked to read a stack of essays for an annual college scholarship. The essays were short biographies of the students, their involvement in their communities, and their goals for the future. Most of the essays were amazing, in fact I was surprised by the...

Health Matters: Caring for Yourself

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 In the United states the leading cause of death in women and...

Dear God, I Want A Job… Actually Make That A Full-time Job

A year ago I was searching for a job. I had just left a stressful position where my supervisor ran the office like a military boot camp and was praying for an environment that was less stressful. I was overwhelmed and felt guilty for having left without finding a new...

Service Times

Sunday at 9 & 11 AM (in person)
Sunday at 11 AM (online)
Wednesday Bible Study at 7 PM


11411 W. 71st Terrace
Shawnee, KS 66203

